Improving clinical trial patient recruitment

After providing consent to acesss your electronic health records (EHRs), Bond proactively connects you with clinical trials personalized to your patient profile.

Bonding Clinical Trials
TL;DR Accelerate, broaden, and streamline clincial trial patient recruitment


Bond's services uniquely provide:

Proactive Engagement

Keeping patients informed and involved with current trials fosters a proactive health management approach.

Personalized Matching

Tailored trial matching ensures each patient receives opportunities that are relevant to their specific health conditions.

Data Security

Robust protection of patient data is critical to maintaining privacy and trust for the patients providing us with access to their EHR data.

User-Friendly Interface

Our straightforward interface enables patients of all demographics to get clinical trial communications easily.

Benefits to Stakeholders

How we enhance the experience across the board


Instant access to pertinent clinical trials offers patients potential health benefits and the liberty to decide how they contribute to medical research.

More Representation for Underrepresented Demographics

Our service is designed to connect individuals from diverse backgrounds with relevant clinical trials that respect their preferences, providing avenues for individuals to contribute to and benefit from medical research.

Facilitated Access for Complex Conditions

Simplifying the search process empowers patients with rare or complex conditions to find suitable trials without complications.

Enhanced Understanding of Research

We provide educational resources to help patients fully understand the research they may participate in, fostering informed decision-making.


Researchers gain invaluable resources and support, enabling them to focus on groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in medicine.

Acquire Data Faster

Quicker patient recruitment means studies can start up to 7x faster, accelerating the entire research timeline.

Access to More Diverse Data Sets

Diverse patient demographics contribute to richer data sets, essential for comprehensive and conclusive research outcomes.

Produce More Generalizable Findings

A broad participant base ensures that research findings are more reflective of the population at large, enhancing the applicability of the results.


We streamline the clinical trial process for sponsors and CROs, maximizing their investments and expediting research developments.

Streamline Patient Recruitment

Efficient matching processes and patient outreach cut down on the time and cost of recruitment.

Cost-Effective Recruitment

An optimized recruitment funnel can reduce financial waste by 15 fold, increasing ROI on each trial.

Accelerate R&D Cycles

Quicker recruitment phases mean sponsors can move faster through the R&D pipeline, staying ahead in a competitive industry.

How we work

Step-by-step walkthrough

Step 1: Patient provides consent

Using our patient-interface, patients first have to provide us with consent to access your electronic health record associated with your hospital system.

Step 2: Data Informatics Team Works with EHR

Our data informatics team gains access to your encrypted, de-identified EHR data to properly match you with relevant clinical trials.

Step 3: Patient receives recurring email communications

Our team will send you emails once every two weeks to always keep you up-to-date on the clincial trials mathcing your patient profile.

Relax while we keep you in the loop!

Steps image

Demo using simulated patient data

Here, we show how a user may provide consent and receive email communications from us with clinical trials matching their patient profile.

Future Directions

Next steps for our services

Our commitment to streamlining these processes never stop! Here are current approaches we are working on to enhance our platform and services.

Develop Proprietary Database

Creating our own database will allow for better queries and more nuanced matching for more relevant and faster trial connections.

Integrate Diverse Data Types

Incorporating a broader spectrum of data like imaging, medication, and notes will create a more holistic patient profile for trial matching.

Machine Learning for Trial Predictions

Applying machine learning will provide insights into clinical trends, aiding sponsors in trial design and patient recruitment.

User Feedback Integration

Incorporating patient feedback will help tailor clinical trial opportunities to patient preferences and needs (ex: trials with incentives or within close proximity are most relevant to individual).

Outreach for Diverse Participation

Expanding our reach to ensure that individuals without computer access or those in remote locations can participate in clinical trials.

Detailed Trial Summaries

Providing patients with comprehensive trial summaries, including contact information and clear explanations of relevance, to enhance understanding and engagement.

Preference-Based Communication

Adapting our communication methods to align with user preferences, whether through text, email, or mail, for clinical trial updates and matches.

Transparent Data Utilization

Allowing patients to view how their data is used will foster transparency and trust in our services.

Flexible Sponsor Pricing

Offering customized pricing plans for sponsors, reflecting the frequency and scale of their clinical trial engagements.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions surrounding our company's objectives and logistics.

Who is your intended user?

Everyone! From individuals struggling with rare diseases who want to immediately know of clinical studies related to their conditions to individuals who want to participate as control's in more observational studies: Bond wants to reach all individuals who are willing to get onboard and contribute!

How will you make money???

It will be B2B as we will work with directly with sponsors and clincial research organizations (CROs). We will charge a fixed rate for these organizations to include their clinical trial in our database and then use tiered/usage-based pricing depending on the number of patients they want communicated and the types of conditions their trial encompasses.

Do I need to see a physician to get onboard?

No! You can access our patient-platform from anywhere and do not need a physician referral to get involved.

Can I opt out of the services?

Yes, you can contact us to unsubscribe from our services and we will remove your EHR data from our database. If you change your mind, you can sign up again at any time.